This a-bit-belated review of my producitve Hokkaido trip is previously detained by the limited upload quota of msn space. I wasn't prepared to have my photos published before done with subtiling description.

I was back in Taipei three weeks ago, 21 days to be exact. I planned the entire itinerary all on my own (and still feel like bragging about it even the trip's already over) and it took me a solid 30, 40 days or so to make sure everything was about on track before leaving. The trip itself is ever so gratifying and we truly enjoyed and favored the Japanese way of dealing with things, such as setting a train schedule as narrow as an arrival and departure time of 07:53 (and those trains indeed perfected my impression by meeting with this accuracy) or dressing up their bungalows with adorable toy figures and lovely flowers and plants of all varieties without being regulated to do so. Well, Taiwan is way behind, in most aspects as a matter of fact. I'm quite ashamed to admit that.

I need time to sort out my disorganized digital albums from this six-day trip so that I could share some of my favorites with you people. We took about 700 pictures this time and the number should have at least doubled, but the transmission line of one of our cameras was left behind by accident, which left us with finite storage for pictures. Pity.

More on my subtitles after the first of August. Not only because it's an exceptional day of importance, but the space has locked my free entry until a new month begins.

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Should I take it?
Can I help it?
Must I stand it?
Do I have to put up with it?
Would I change it?
Will I flare up?
Need I grumble?
Dare I speak for myself?

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We're just a poor bunch of underdogs working our heads off and paying taxes for a bunch of government exploiters.

(My afterthought over the tax season, and the ceaseless bombardment from a partial mass media reporting stories of our imperial family.)

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We teachers don't get many chances to have rests like this, and Labor Day certainly falls way beyond us. The only bit of benefit we gain from all these drudging days is two major vacations that are coming short. I came home on leave today with the help of my dreadful cold. I supposed I've used up my antibodies quota last week by having insufficient sleep for just about a fortnight. Once it started, it all came straight down to this tragical end in sight. I shouldn't have afflicted my flesh for my wicked soul. This does go against my philosophy of staying healthy and living long.

Need change.

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One forty-something net-user's been organizing low-carb diets and sharing her recipes online for some time. This suddenly-slimmer Linda worked her plan both on herself and her obese husband, transforming two puffy marshmallow candies into bony/crunchy-but-healthy, fat-free pretzels. It was my intention starting-off to become a pretzel since I began my own dieting project last Oct - not just to rid of superfluous grease, also to avoid any possible illness and on top of everything else, to come off sound and slender. The thought obsessed me as though skeleton-like looks is the classic and one and only worthful vogue of the time. Gradually yet some realization sank in, that a living fresh-and-blood could never dry off living, and most importantly, do so without steamed buns, biscuits, pastries, granary bread, bagels, baguettes, cheese, donuts, scones, and the list goes on and on and on (and still onward going even while you're asleep). And thus Linda's Low Carb recipes now's a total FYI appendix to my middle-high level carb daily diets. Veggies and fruits are still keys to the peak experience of getting healthy and svelte. So friends, count your calories on a daily basis, and make sure you live long, like I will.

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1迷迭香 Rosemary
適用於各式肉類調理(stuffings for poultry, duck, rabbit)、湯
類(minestrone, pea soup, spinach soup)、燉、烤牛肉、羊肉等。

2鼠尾草 Sage
用於各式肉類填料(poultry. lamb. meat roast. baked fish),或
添加於香腸、肉丸燉、烤肉類、或於煮茄子 、蕃茄、豆類時添加少
通常可用在雞肉stuffing 或是鴨子 也可放在豬肉料理

3百里香 Thyme
適用於海鮮調味、此外如各式湯類(Borsch, Clam Chowder, Bordeaise

4月桂葉 Bay Leaves

5薑 Ginger

6蒜頭 Garlic

7洋蔥 Onion

8蝦夷蔥 Chive

9奧利岡 Oregano

10香草 vanilla

11肉桂 cinnamon

12荳蔻 Nugmeg
 (EGG FLIP)、牛奶布丁、餅乾、蛋糕、南瓜派、和其他有牛奶添加製

13百味胡椒 All spice ground

14巴西利 Parsley
另外在義式料理中 幾乎都可以看的道

15中國香菜 Cilentro

16薄荷 Mint
可使用在飲料 如mojito. 和羊肉料理

17九層塔 Basil

18香茅 Lemon Grass

19番紅花 saffron
通常用於西班牙海鮮飯' 另可泡茶

20匈牙利紅椒 Paprika
適用於Hungarian goulash、蟹類、魚、雞肉調理,或灑用於炒蛋、烤馬

21鬱金根 Turmeric
適用於醃漬類(pickles and chutneys)、芥茉粉、咖哩粉、調配法式沙拉
醬及其他(fish kedgeree, devilled eggs)。

22胡椒粒 Peppercorn


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