Today we have this:





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This is by far the most brilliantly-designed Blog I've ever seen.

It's titled "Terminal Island." And it's definitely a must-see! You'll need to type in the commands as requested.

Pity that the blogger had stopped updating like five years ago. (Somehow I fully understand... kinda like me I suppose)

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1. 週間時間最多只能用去兩天 = 總天數為四天
2. 方便進行自助旅行的地點 = 語言可通中文或英文或日文 + 旅人友善區
3. 自然景觀價值和人文氣息須重於商業氣息
4. 旅遊地點衛生條件有基本水平
5. 總消費額約台幣三萬上下

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大白菜 ~~ Cabbage
花椰菜 ~~ Broccoli
甘藍菜 ~~ Kale

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  • 這篇文章限定好友觀看。

packed -
with a bit more than just flesh-and-bone,
heading towards the unknown realm of this hazy world;
uncertain of what is lying ahead,
but somehow all set -
to molt
into a ready pen
seven years after the virgin millennium.

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  • Apr 05 Thu 2007 07:38
  • R.I.P.

Meiling - just as many others of my colleagues, Dad, and probably more among my acquaintances have all gone down south for the major event, whilst I, alone, having my usual bowl of oatmeal for brunch, dressing sloppy and feeling sluggish.

So much for a tomb sweeping day...

The last time as I recalled to have gone to an occasion alike traced at least 15 years back. Jiayi (where my folks rooted) used to be my cognitive tiny world's only perceivable end/paradise. The north-to-south journey took up a hell of 3.5 hours drive to finish (small trunk vs. big world). After the hard trudge (though the whole time I did not even leave the back seat to P) I sobered up at the sight of a familiar interchange (yes this is IT!) singing 「I'm In Heaven.」 (Yes of course I did not know the song at such an early stage of my life, but trust me on this that I WOULD have sung it if I had known it.) And the vacation began thereafter.

Out the windowpane through my binocular (yes I enjoy peeping) seen a mountain of people (again, this is an expression; I mean there are people, dotting here and there) over the slope covered with oriental-styled tombs. Year after another the 5th of April remains the day always possessing an invisible power to beckon descendants of the buried ones to come back, wherever they reside. Smoke curls upwards into the air, some veiling the gravestones, scenting the hillside with an ambiance of something far-gone and would never return. This burial ground will soon be replaced by a product of modern civilisation of the Taipei metropolis, probably a compound of a sports ground and a park. I doubt if I would miss the old cemetery.

*The occident way of tombstone making would have the upper-class letters "R.I.P." carved across. Although commonly known as the abbreviation for "Rest In Peace," they are from Latin, "Requiescat/Requiescant In Pace," to be accurate.

*A supernatural occurrence on a festival for the supernatural:
I keep my Collins Cobuild Edition at the foot of my bookcase these days for easy access. I would leave it open at the page I look up the last vocabulary. A minute before starting this blog entry, I flipped the dictionary to double-check another word that I now cannot think of what. The first word flashed in sight was R.I.P. I tried several times repeating the shut-and-open process around the R section of the dictionary. Apparently it does not work for a second time.

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I will sleep three hours early today.

The 2005 major flick is finally showing itself on TV screen these couple of weeks. I'm not talking about the inexplicable Matrix sequels, in which the primary attraction, Agent Smith"S"(What, you were thinking Reeves the almighty? Never.) bewitching the female audiences to their utmost... or was it just me? Anyhow, by the adorable pair I meant to comment on the John and Jane Smiths, featured my all-time favorite Jolie and that medial guy - once chosen the world's most attractive man - Pitt.

The original casting inclined to having Kidman as wife. Thanks to The Stepford Wives, a supposedly low-budget film that failed to come to a wrap in time, the part fell rightly on my gorgeous goddess. And again, thanks to this belated wrap, now Pitt gets to raise those cute African kids with Jolie, which reminds me: did they have pictures of the newborn baby Jolie yet? I especially wonder about her lips...

Pity, the cloudburst outside my window can't flood the paling sky. I'd better close.


I need to get down to some real business.

PS. How do you fire with two guns pointing at the opposite directions anyway??

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I should invite friends over more often, so as to help clear out this terrible yet intimate little private chaotic space of mine.

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Here goes a message (which I dictated just about ten mins ago) I found on youtube among the most discussed category:

(voice from Michael J. Fox) "As you might know, I care deeply about stem cell research. In Missouri you can let(??) Claire McCaskill, who shares my hope for cures. Unfortunately Senator Jim Talent (U.S. Senator for Missouri) opposes to stem cell research. Senator Talent (he) wants to criminalize the science to give us a chance for hope. They say all politics is logo, but it's not always the case. What you do in Missouri matters to millions of Americans - Americans like me." I'm Claire McCaskill and I approved this message.

Below this clip are users comments and apparently I share the same feeling with some of them - many of whom watched the Back to the Future series, and literally grew up with M. J. Fox. I've deemed Fox as my idol since an early age of 10 or 11. It gave me goose bumps(well, in a good way) every time I saw his delicate face on TV. He still looks sexy even with his tremoring shoulders, while failing to control his muscles. But for him and the Parkinson's disease I feel deeply sorry, nonetheless.

In fact, I happened to finish watching The Island, a Michael Bay production, starring Ewan McGregor (great performance) and Scarlett Johansson(not even close to be mediocre) just this afternoon, which was also about the controversial subject of debate on cloning of human embryos. Some authorities concerned today oppose to the development of this science mostly for ethical causes. But if one of the users named dr1819 is right, that alternative methods have been taken on, I say a promising future to cure the Parkinson's is inevitably close-at-hand. Ethically or otherwise.

May your God be with you, Michael J. Fox. Wish you all the luck and best. Love you.

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