目前分類:溫帶植物 (3)

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The things we crave for concern both material stuff and spiritual needs, such as love, honor, food, and drug. When we crave for it, that's all we could think about. We let nothing else bother us and we concentrate our mind only upon it (we care for it so much that it's almost like we're out of our mind.) We also deem it the most important essence in our present life.

But we usually long for something we have experienced in the past and from which we found pleasure. We long for it either because we want to go back to the good old days or we wish for the re-occurence of this experience (so that we can enjoy the pleasantness all over again, or we can benefit from it.)

What do you crave? What do you long for?

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To discuss and write something meaningful in terms of feminism might as well take me seven days and nights, but there is every likelihood that I give the thought up before reaching midway out of my jottings, if any. The lack of confidence haunts me still, even after so many years of English learning/teaching. I should thus start now or never.

Feminism as an agenda hasn't yet been deviated from my mind. Feminists now proclaim that this has officially become an issue not as far-out as before, when at one time it was majorly concerned and correlated with gender equality. Feminists are ready to center on the inner states - spiritual perfectionism in my case - of women, instead of women's stance among patriarchal society, though it is still being dealt with in areas such as Middle East, some parts in Africa and Asia. The old authority-over-bodies-like talks aren't among my concerns for now (not that I don't care for it of course). I do had a feeling of "detachment from my authentic self" and am sensing a terrible urge to please quite recently. And boy what a stun. I certainly don't deem it an obligation to stand up for what female activists do to help preach feminism; it's just something I held before I found out it agreed to feminists' appeal. But when I lost it, panic, panic, panic, that's all I could think of - all these years of "spiritual apathy" that I've been going through... And it relates to Feminism because? I was affected and overwhelmed by some intensive, LOVE. Women-power gets weaken somehow (Yes again, in my own case). What will those people say then about this, I wonder?

Excuse me for I'm giving it a sloppy close. No more feminism talk for a bedtime story.

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